No Cost. No Sign-Up. Just Show Up.

What’s the idea? With the support of local businesses, people come together once a week to pick up rubbish (donated resources + volunteers = cleaner environment).

When and where is this happening? At the time and location designated each week by the local Trash Hero chapter (overview of chapters here). Perhaps even in your community?

Is there any cost or sign-up? There is no cost and need to sign-up for volunteers – just show up at the designated time and place. Participating local businesses each week generously donate gloves and trash bags, food and beverages, and transportation when needed. All donations are given in kind, our chapters never take any money.

Does it work? As of 31 December 2024, we have mobilised 562,144 volunteers to remove 2,601,608kg of litter in 15 countries worldwide. Enquiries for new projects are reaching us every week, as the media continues to spread the anti-plastic message. Our goal for the next three years is to engage with more than 500,000 new Trash Heroes through events in 250 locations across the globe. An estimated 3000 tons of trash will be removed during these events.

But cleanups don’t actually solve the problem, do they? That’s true, and that is why we also have many other initiatives to stop plastic pollution at the source – to help “turn off the tap”.  However, cleanups remain an excellent, hands-on education tool for communities that are often not aware of the harm done by plastic to the ocean and to our health, nor that it is in their power to do something about it. Even in countries where the issues are known, activities such as waste and brand audits of the trash collected can be eye-opening for many people.

Where does the trash go? That is THE question! It’s something we as Trash Heroes ask ourselves not just after a cleanup, but every day as we make buying decisions. We encourage people to go plastic-free wherever possible. Find out more on this page.

Want to join a weekly cleanup? Currently we have active chapters in Cambodia, Germany, Indonesia, Japan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Myanmar, Poland, Serbia, South Korea, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, the USA, Thailand, and Vietnam. Find out where and when you can join them here.

Want to know how to organize a weekly cleanup in your community? It’s easier than you think. Click here to find out how you join the movement for zero waste.

NEXT –> Water bottle refill network
Trash Hero Communities

SeemaCleanup Programme