Trash Hero Refill Point resources

Refill point signage

To feature on our map, there is no cost but the Trash Hero refill point sign must be displayed next to your refill point (and optionally in your window / outside your premises). See the images above for some examples.

Signs are available in yellow, blue, or black and white in English, ไทย, Bahasa Indonesia and Bahasa Malaysia.
Download all versions in this folder:

When you have printed and displayed your sign, you are ready to join our map!
Please take a photo of the refill point and go to our online form to sign up.


Additional resources for refill points
You can also find different language versions of posters, social media posts and other assets to promote your actions in the same Google Drive folder.

If you are interested in selling the Trash Hero bottle, please read the FAQ and contact us for more information.

SeemaTrash Hero Refill Point resources