‘Recycled’ Amazon packaging burns at illegal dumpsite

Amazon packaging that environmentally conscious citizens had diligently recycled in North American was found burning at an illegal dumpsite in India. This story was announced shortly after it was revealed that Amazon plastic packaging had increased, despite their promises to do better. Do you trust the recycling process in your area?
Read the full story here
EU bans export of waste to non-OECD countried

The EU has finally banned waste exports to non-OECD countries. Countries such as Malaysia and Thailand will no longer deal with dangerous and mismanaged waste from richer countries. Do you think these new regulations could help us move towards a zero waste economy?
Find out more about what this means here
Writing stories helps kids understand plastic pollution

A study has found that when kids are encouraged to write stories about plastic pollution, they focus more on preventing it than on ways to deal with existing litter. Can this study change the way we talk to kids about plastic?
Activists sue top polluter Danone over use of plastic

The 2022 Brand Audit revealed the top polluters for the last five years. The information has inspired activists in France to sue Danone for their contribution to plastic pollution.
Find out more about this action here
Tobacco companies required to help clean up cigarette butts

New regulations in Spain will require Tobacco companies to help cleanup cigarette buts and support education in how to dispose of them properly. The move is part of the EU’s commitment to holding polluters accountable for their waste.
Read more about this move here
Reuse and refill programmes turning the tide on plastic

Refill and Reuse programmes are on the rise! Businesses in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia are making zero-waste a reality. Do you know a business doing the same?
What do you think about these stories? Let us know in the comments!
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