Our roundup of the month’s most important stories
Plastic levels in Lake Geneva was high as world’s oceans

Oceaneye, a Geneva-based non-profit, has released research revealing that the famously pristine Swiss Lake contains alarming levels of plastic pollution.
Microplastics found in the human heart

Samples taken during patients’ cardiac surgery confirm that plastic is truly everywhere.
Indonesia cracks down on waste imports

When China closed their borders to waste, exporters had to send it elsewhere. After years of being sent non-recyclable trash, officials in Indonesia are taking a stand against the tidal wave of plastic.
McDonald’s study favouring single-use was “biased”

The fast food giant, and others, funded studies that discredited reuse and favoured single-use. A new report reveals such studies lack transparency and showed significant bias.
US movie production generates under 500g of waste over 3 years

The average Hollywood production produces over 500 tonnes of trash, so what did these filmmakers do differently?
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