What we do
We meet for cleanups bi-monthly at different beaches or inland locations around Koh Phangan according to the seasonal tides, weather etc, always going where a clean up is most needed. We always meet on a Sunday at 5pm, (the time may change to 4pm in winter season) and there are also special events according to special days for example the King’s birthday or World Clean Up day.
The best way to find out details on our next clean-up is to follow our Facebook page for updates on each event to see specific dates and locations of clean-ups.
There is no cost, no sign-up, just show up! Cleaning materials and gloves are provided, but we are happy if you bring your own!
Trash Hero t-shirts are available for cost price (100 baht – all proceeds go towards reprinting).
To reduce waste, we have a bottle refill program that saves thousands of single use plastic bottles from being thrown away.
We have an incredibly supportive community providing free refill points throughout the island. You can buy the bottles and refill at any of the points on this map.
For more information, please contact us.
We celebrate!
Local champions
Our activities are made possible with the generous support of local businesses and government agencies. Our aim is to work together with the whole community, independently of commercial and political affiliations. A clean and sustainable future for Koh Phangan is in all our interests!
We accept donations in kind for cleaning materials, refreshments for volunteers, and transportation. You can also participate by sending staff to our cleanups, or becoming a bottle refill station. Contact us for more details.
Thank you to all the people below who have supported our mission so far!
Chapter News
France 24: Paradise lost? Thai island of Ko Phangan fights plastic waste
Phanganist: Petra tells us how you can become a Trash Hero on Koh Phangan
We Love Koh Phangan: Trash Hero
Phanganist: A Guide to Trash on the Thai Gulf Islands – Samui, Phangan and Koh Tao
The Nation: How to choke a planet
Nikkei Asian Review: Grass-roots efforts help clean up trash-filled Thai beaches