
In diesem Abschnitt findest du eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Materialien zum Thema Plastik und seine Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt, unsere Gesundheit und die Gesellschaft im Allgemeinen. Es gibt auch Ressourcen zur Schaffung einer anderen Welt, ohne Einwegplastik und auf der Grundlage von Zero-Waste-Prinzipien.

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Bioplastics 101 Factsheet

Pacific Islands fact sheet on bioplastics. Urges caution, clear definitions, and global standards to mitigate environmental, health, and socio-economic impacts.

Brand Audit 2020 Resources

Executive summaries of the brand audit report 2020 + graphics in multiple languages

Chemical Recycling: Behind the Industry Hype

A recording of the webinar from GAIA presenting a technical assessment of chemical recycling, as well as reports from different countries on how this new technology is impacting them.

Delay-Distract-Derail – Corporate Tactics Graphics

This is a great collection of cartoons from Changing Markets Foundation, to illustrate their Talking Trash report, which explains how the plastic producers operate to undermine efforts to reduce waste.
