Sponsor Update 2016 (Part II): Community Waste Management in Amed

by Amelia Meier on 26/09/2016 No comments

September 26, 2016 – Trash Hero Amed, Indonesia

Another project we discussed in our newsletter to sponsors released this week is the community waste management that Trash Hero World supported with 1’200 USD in Amed, Indonesia. Historically, in small and rural communities trash and other waste is burned – but this system is no longer viable in many areas of the world. The system simply cannot cope with the never-ending volume and the amount of plastic and other toxins in modern waste makes burning and burying this garbage potentially dangerous for animals, people and the environment.

As a region, effective waste management is a challenging process, but locally communities are taking it upon themselves to preserve their paradises. Trash Hero Amed, Indonesia has been actively cleaning the community weekly for over a year.
They’ve collaborated with a local non-profit, Peduli Alam, who has developed a collection system for non-organic waste, a service provided to the community free of charge. Peduli Alam has built and installed more than 200 public rubbish bins and another 350 individual bins across 700 families, local restaurants and schools. The waste is collected almost daily and transported by Peduli Alam to a regional sorting station and a landfill site. Trash Hero World supported Peduli Alam to finance a new truck so they can continue the waste removal service for the Amed community.


Amelia MeierSponsor Update 2016 (Part II): Community Waste Management in Amed

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