Less plastic used means less pollution and better health.
What’s better than picking up trash? Making sure that it doesn’t end up on a beach (or anywhere else) in the first place!
What’s the idea? The Trash Hero water refill network aims to prevent plastic waste. We bring together businesses willing to provide free water refills and, optionally, sell a safe, affordable reusable bottle for people to refill. This system completely eliminates the need for single-use bottled water. The programme involves both businesses and consumers, making it a whole community venture.
How does the programme work? We encourage businesses to sign up to the network by offering a free listing on our online refill map and promotion of their efforts on local social media channels. To support the move to refill for both the businesses and their customers, Trash Hero optionally provides high quality stainless steel water bottles at cost price. By selling the bottles on to customers with a small profit, the cost of providing the water is covered. Customers benefit from having a cool reusable bottle and a free supply of water through the network for life.
Does it work? We have sold 111,068 bottles through our refill partners since the end of 2014. We assume that one bottle sold will “save” an average of 365 plastic water bottles (one per day for a year) and (since 2023) that each refill partner provides 5 refills per day. This means we have avoided an estimated 42,492,570 single-use plastic bottles through the project. Currently, we have 579 refill points in the network. Our goal is to expand this to more than 1,000 refill points worldwide within the next three years, further reducing consumption of single-use plastic.
Do you want to buy or refill a Trash Hero Bottle? Click here to find all our refill partners on a Google map.
Can I become a refill partner? Yes, it’s easier than you think! Read our FAQs to find out all you need to know about joining our refill network and selling the Trash Hero bottle. Then, when you’re ready, sign up here.
What are the benefits of the water refill network? The environment benefits because less plastic is consumed and thrown away and because less greenhouse gas emissions are produced. In total, since the programme began, we have avoided 2219.6 tonnes of CO2E.
Businesses benefit because they can have an environmentally responsible product to offer their customers, while still making a profit. And consumers benefit by having an affordable “green” choice available, that will pay for itself after only a few refills! It’s win, win, win!
To work out exactly how much you impact you could make – or have already made – by switching to a reusable Trash Hero bottle, we have created two calculators, that measure the amount of plastic, CO2 and money saved over the period of use specified. The first is for individuals and the second is for hotels who have replaced their in-room plastic water bottles with our safe, reusable version. Give them a try: you may be surprised at the results!
NEXT –> Trash Hero Kids
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