Inspiring Myanmar Trash Hero Kids!

by Seema on 23/08/2019 No comments

Our volunteer, Aung Win from Trash Hero Ngapali in Myanmar, took the Trash Hero kids book to his class at the Vera Thomson School. He writes: “the books are totally great. The kids were really keen on reading them. Thanks million for the books. As you know, they have already finished reading them. We have asked the students to write about it what they have learnt , why they should keep the ocean clean. They all have done some essays about it.”

And we are very proud to publish some of them here. The children not only learned about the environment, but are learning English via the books. Great job!

Above: Kay Thawe Lwin, 14

Above: Ei Ei Nwe, 15

Above, Mee Mee Lay, 13

Above, Lin Lin Than, 14

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SeemaInspiring Myanmar Trash Hero Kids!

Sorting and separating in Tumapel

by Seema on 21/05/2019 No comments

Trash Hero Tumapel in Indonesia visits schools like this one, MI Roudlotul Jannah, to share the Trash Hero story and spread the word about how easy it is to reduce plastic waste.

Here, they also did a cleanup with the children around their village and they report the kids were super enthusiastic both when picking up the trash and then separating it to take to the local waste bank later. It certainly looks like it was a fun day. Great work everyone!

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SeemaSorting and separating in Tumapel

Sanur’s little heroes!

by Seema on 08/10/2018 No comments

Sanur Independent School in Bali found our kids’ book via the daughter of Julia, one of our local volunteers, who brought it into school.

They read the story aloud in class and were so inspired by the story and pictures, they invited Julia to come along and give a talk about ocean plastics and what they could do to help. She explained about different types of rubbish, the effects of plastic on health and wildlife, ocean gyres, different ways to reduce waste, and how they can be activists and join the Trash Hero movement.

“They loved it and asked loads of questions!” she said.

They then did a cleanup together and all the kids in grade 1- 2 wrote a story about what they can do to help with the rubbish problem.

Thank you Julia and the Sanur Trash Hero Kids! You are awesome!

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SeemaSanur’s little heroes!

Trash Hero Kids: The Movie!

by Seema on 26/08/2018 No comments

Trash Hero Kids at Ban Don Takian School in Chumphon, Thailand were inspired to produce a play of the Trash Hero story book. The kids made their own props, learned their lines and performed it in front of the Thai Deputy Minister for Education when he came to visit their area.

With their teachers, they also made their play into a movie, set on the beach. It was posted on YouTube to inspire other kids to take action on waste! You guys are awesome Trash Heroes!

นักเรียนและคุณครูจากโรงเรียนบ้านดอนตะเคียน อำเภอปะทิว จ.ชุมพร ได้สร้างภาพยนตร์ยอดเยี่ยมเกี่ยวกับนิทาน เรื่อง Trash Hero เพื่อใช้เป็นการศึกษาและรณรงค์ให้ผู้รับชมตระหนักถึงอันตรายจากขยะ และหลีกเลี่ยงการใช้ ถุงพลาสติก ขวด หลอด ขยะอื่นๆ ที่ย่อยสลายยาก และเป็นอันตรายต่อคน สัตว์และสิ่งแวดล้อม
ทั้งเด็กทั้งครูน่ารักมากเลย เชิญชมด้านล่างนี่

The movie is only in Thai language, but even if you don’t speak Thai you can see how well they do 🙂

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SeemaTrash Hero Kids: The Movie!

Trash Hero English Camp

by Seema on 10/05/2018 No comments

90 kids became Trash Heroes at the TEFL Samui English camp in Thailand last month! Over the 3 – 4 day camp, they learned about plastic pollution and the effects of trash on marine life from the Trash Hero kids book.


They created art from recycled materials, played games and acted out the story from the book in English. You are #awesome!

If you have any projects you have done about trash or reducing waste that you would like to send us, please ask a grown up to send them in to 🙂


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SeemaTrash Hero English Camp

Songkran Festival on Phi Phi

by Seema on 10/05/2018 No comments

Trash Hero kids on Koh Phi Phi in Thailand collected straws from the beach and made cool costumes for the Songkran (Thai New Year) parade on their island.


They wrote messages about keeping their island clean on each one. You are #awesome!

If you have any projects you have done about trash or reducing waste that you would like to send us, please ask a grown up to send them in to 🙂


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SeemaSongkran Festival on Phi Phi

Trash Hero Kids’ Book

by Seema on 05/03/2018 Comments Off on Trash Hero Kids’ Book

Kids, read this!

In our story book, you can discover the original “Trash Hero”. His mission is to stop plastic pollution harming sea life, but it’s getting harder and harder as the amount of plastic being thrown away increases. Find out how you can help him on his quest, and take the challenge with your friends and family. By practising good habits when it comes to waste, we can all be heroes, and save the Earth 💛

Write down all the good work you are doing to earn points and rewards like a cool t-shirt that says “I’m a Trash Hero”! This means you are part of the club that helps to take care of the planet 😎. There are kids like you all around the world who are doing awesome things to clean up and reduce the trash we produce every day.

To get a copy of the book, you’ll need to ask your parents or teacher to contact us by email: Or, you can ask them to download an ebook preview, below. See how many challenges you can do, and don’t forget to let us know about your success!




Grown-ups, read this!

The Trash Hero kids’ book makes the connection between the issue of plastic pollution and the actions required in a thought-provoking and visually impactful way.

The story follows the fictional character of “Trash Hero”, a child dedicated to helping sea creatures escape harm from trash, and his plight as the amount of plastic waste in the oceans increases. He appeals for help and receives it from a group of school children who promise to work together to save the oceans. It is an intentionally simple and “light” treatment of this serious subject, evocatively illustrated by Polish artist Ewelina Wajgert.

The second part of the book contains some easily understood facts about marine litter, drawing and colouring activities and – most importantly – a challenge to become a new “Trash Hero”, through repetition of actions such as joining cleanups, recycling and saying no to single use plastic.

Children will record their actions in the book and then, after gaining a certain number of points (assigned to each behaviour), will be able to claim their very own Trash Hero T-shirt as a reward. These T-shirts are worn with great pride by the recipients

Continued actions are encouraged through further rewards such as a Trash Hero certificate to display on the wall, and other options you can invent yourself.

In short, the book harnesses children’s imagination to create a powerful link between fantasy and real world actions, and appeals to their natural desire to help and be useful. It intends to inspire, build self-esteem and provide long-term motivation for change, not preach and point fingers at “bad behaviour”.

For individuals, we offer the book as a free download (an ebook in PDF or ePUB format) – see below. Note: no rewards are included, so maybe you can improvise your own!

For schools and other groups working with children, we offer printed versions of the book in multiple languages, along with the rewards package. Please contact for further details.

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SeemaTrash Hero Kids’ Book