Trash Hero Pattani’s Record-Breaking

by Amelia Meier on 01/06/2016 No comments

01 June, 2016 – Trash Hero Pattani (Thailand)

Trash Hero Pattani have just completed their “Clean Up #12”, and have broken various records doing so. First off, 140 (yes, that’s one-hundred-and-forty!) Trash Heroes showed up: 5 from the governor team, 15 heroes, and 120 from from มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์ (the Prince of Songkhla University).

For this cleanup, they went once again to Laem Ta Chi Cape, where they’d cleaned up before and felt like they hadn’t made much of an impact. Altogether they gathered 430kg (yes, that’s four-hundred-and-thirty!) of trash. 75kg alone were broken glass and bottles, a total of 20kg were flip flops, and the rest was made up of all types of plastic packaging and fishing equipment. All the while they educated participants on waste management, and had a lot of fun.

It’s been three months since Trash Hero Pattani got going. 431 heroes in total have participated, 1856.3 kg have been collected, and there is no end in sight!

Trash Hero Pattani are amazing (follow them here on Facebook), and we are so proud to count them as part of this movement. What’s more, they have been able to obtain support from the Chief Administrator of SAO, whose kind help contributes to making this effort a great one.

Amelia MeierTrash Hero Pattani’s Record-Breaking

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